Monday 26 March 2012

I want to find my voice

I first stumbled upon this image when I was a 'trying to be cool' 14 year old in braces, first discovering the world of fashion, design and blogging. Five years later, this image to me is still as powerful as the day I found it. For some the photograph is just a pretty girl on a bicycle in California, but for me it represents a whole lot more. Sometimes I see it as  the road to achieve your goals, the steep process being the hill and reward just being over the other side. Other times I see it as you watching your life unfold before you eyes, and the long journey and mysteries that you will encounter along the way. I wonder what this image will mean to me in twenty years time, when almost half of my life would already have passed.
But also in purely aesthetic terms the bright yellow sepia tones of this photo creates a rush of happiness from within, (but then again sun and light always make me happy). I also feel like I tend to romanticise a lot of things in my life; the floaty see-through dress that the girl in the picture is wearing makes me think of love and summer days. Without sounding too cheesy, a little secret dream of mine is to somehow recreate this photo one day.

(source: I found it on a tumblr, but I don't know where its originally from )

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